Rules for Christian Radicals: A Primer for Biblical Radicalism
Rules for Christian Radicals: A Primer for Biblical Radicalism

Rules for Christian Radicals: A Primer for Biblical Radicalism

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Radicals are activists who use extreme tactics to accomplish their goals. Saul Alinsky was a radical. In fact, he is acknowledged to be the father of community organizing and the foremost authority on leftist radical tactics. His book, Rules for Radicals, is considered the definitive work on methods for breaking down the establishment and elevating the “have nots” to power.

Jesus called on his followers to be radicals. And while Christian radicalism is no less revolutionary than Alinsky’s, the goals and tactics go in an entirely different direction. Rather than aiming at the destruction of cultural institutions, Christian radicalism seeks to change the world by getting it connected to God.

Those who would be Christian radicals must do it God’s way. First, they must be absolutely and exclusively devoted to Jesus Christ. Then they must be equipped with the knowledge of God’s purpose in the world and the skills to work toward its accomplishment.

All Christians who are truly serious about their faith have a deep sense that they need to follow Jesus’ radical path. But, for one reason or another, most don’t. Some don’t take that road because they simply don’t know what to do. Others lack the personal desire or discipline to pull it off.  Rules for Christian Radicals lays out a path for overcoming these problems. Those who truly wish to go to the next level in their radical commitment to Jesus Christ will find the blueprint is in this book.